Monday 23 January 2017

90. Myddelton Lunch 2017

The Myddelton Lunch  this year was held in the prestigious Mansion House and attracted over 170 attendees – a magnificent turnout. We were honoured by the presence of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress –particulalry poignant because the Lord Mayor is a Member of our own Company.

The lunch is named after Sir Hugh Myddelton, who brought fresh drinking water to London by constructing the New River, which was completed in 1613. Our Company has a close relationship with the Hugh Myddelton School in Islington and Court Assistant Rob Casey (who is a Governor of the school) arranged for a group of pupils to form a guard of honour for the Lord Mayor on his arrival and they played a specially written piece of music on their wide range of musical instruments.

After an excellent lunch in the beautiful Egyptian Room, the formal proceedings began. Following on from the loyal toast and a toast to the Lord Mayor, the Master took the opportunity to welcome the guests and explain what a unique Lord Mayor we have this year – he comes from an unusual background being both an accomplished musician and teacher. Prior to proposing a toast to the guests, the Master presented the Lord Mayor with a cheque for £1,000
in support of his three charities for the year, and a leather covered copy of the Company’s recently published History for the Period 2000-2015.

In response, the Lord Mayor amusingly recounted some of his experiences so far and presented the Master with a set of enscribed coasters and the Clerk, Ralph Riley, with a crested spoon. He concluded with a toast to the Company coupled with the name of the Master.

In responding the Master fulfilled two very pleasant tasks. The first was to present Past Master Colin Bland with his Certificate of Honorary Liveryman (see blog no 91 for further details of this) and the second was to present four of the Company’s prize winning sponsored post graduates with certificates and engraved glass jugs.

Following the 100 Club draw, where our Clerk (Ralph Riley) won the first prize of £500, the Master drew proceedings to a close. A departing collection in support of Treloars raised some £1,270 – thank you to everyone who contributed so generously.

A very successful and high quality event which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. Many thanks to Ralph Riley for his skillful preparation and organization of this prestigious event. (Photographs show the Lord Mayor with pupils from Hugh Myddelton School, the Master, Clerk & Bailiff, over 170 Members and guests in the Egyptian Room,  presentation of gift to the Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayor responding.)

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